SeaMonkey Community

Development of the SeaMonkey Internet Application suite software wouldn't be possible without the vibrant community of developers and users that form the SeaMonkey Project.
This page gives you some pointers of how to get in contact or be a part of our community.

The main channels of community activity within the SeaMonkey project are the newsgroup, the SeaMonkey forums at mozillaZine and our irc channel on
This page also lists other sites covering technical and other topics related to SeaMonkey.

Newsgroups / Mailing Lists

Please read the Netiquette Guidelines for posting rules and conventions.


The group is used for end-user and developer support. Ask any question about SeaMonkey, code, management, the project or development here.

The newsgroup is already carried by many servers right now. If your provider does not carry it you can subscribe for free via, which requires free registration and then, once you have received your credentials, clicking on the following link:
subscribe to
You may need to select "Always request authentication when connecting to this server", if you do not get a login prompt.

Mailing List:

The previous newsgroup has been replaced with this mailing list for end-user support. You can ask user questions about SeaMonkey here.

You can subscribe by sending an email to .
The list is hosted on Google groups and you can access it via Google groups support-seamonkey

Mailing List:

The previous newsgroup has been retired.

You can find an archive of the old Google group here: archive

IRC - Internet Relay Chat

IRC: SeaMonkey channel

Lots of SeaMonkey developers and users also gather on IRC in the #seamonkey channel on This link should take you directly into the channel when you're using SeaMonkey with the ChatZilla IRC Client installed and activated. An updated version of this add-on is bundled with SeaMonkey.
You can find archives of the channel here: #SeaMonkey irc log archive 1 and #SeaMonkey irc log archive 2.

Matrix: SeaMonkey room on Matrix

There is also the SeaMonkey room on Matrix. For more information on Matrix and other rooms on it, look on the Mozilla Wiki.


News from different parts of the SeaMonkey project and Mozilla projects are also published on developers' and projects' weblogs ("blogs"). Those provide current information about development and releases as well as interesting insights of what's happening in the community and can usually also be read conveniently with the built-in SeaMonkey feed reader.

SeaMonkey Project Blog

The official SeaMonkey weblog reports about final and for-testing releases, development news and other topics related to the SeaMonkey project.

Rainers SeaMonkey unofficial news page

Rainer is doing a great blog and always has the latest news from the SeaMonkey world for you. A corresponding blog in German is available here.

User Support and Discussion

A community product like SeaMonkey heavily relies on users building a support and discussion network to help each other with questions and problems regarding the use of the software. This is happening through the above mentioned communication channels, and in several other places, the most important of which are listed in this section.

MozillaZine Forums

The web forums of the oldest Mozilla online magazine, covering thousands of SeaMonkey-related topics.

Knowledge Base

Also hosted at MozillaZine, the knowledge base offers lots of help for users of our software.

Add-Ons for SeaMonkey

As SeaMonkey can be extended with numerous add-ons, there's also a vivid community of people who provide such extensions and themes. There are several websites that provide lists and install possibilities for those add-ons.

Add-Ons for SeaMonkey

The official SeaMonkey Add-Ons website is hosted by the Thunderbird project, please use this as your primary source for add-ons.

Other Web Resources

The site currently holds cross reference data and sources for various xul based projects. It targets mainly developers but might be of interest to others too.

Reporting a Bug

Any change that is made to SeaMonkey requires a so-called "bug" to be filed in Mozilla's bug tracking system Bugzilla. A "bug" is basically a change request and uniquely identified by a numerical ID. A bug can be about a defect in the software, a feature request or an idea of how to improve existing functionality.

Anyone can file a bug. All you need is a Bugzilla account, which is free. But since the goal is to get bugs fixed, it is vital that bug reports are as precise as possible. Please read the Bug Writing Guidelines before you file your first bug.